Kitchen Cabinet Painting and Refinishing Experts
our 7-step process

- Durable, professional finish
- 70% less expensive than ordering new cabinets.
- Average job completed in 4-5 days.

- Durable, professional finish
- 70% less expensive than ordering new cabinets.
- Average job completed in 4-5 days.
Before & After
Cabinet FAQs
Is the work done in your shop or at our house?
All of the work is done on site, at your house.
How long does the process take?
The average kitchen takes five days to complete. We start on a Monday and finish that Friday so you have your kitchen back for the weekend.
I have oak cabinets with heavy wood grain. Will you still see the grain once completed?
The sanding, priming and painting process will significantly reduce the visibility of the grain, but not eliminate it completely. Ask to see a sample of what a finished door will look like.
Can we stay in the house while the work is being done?
Absolutely. Most customers simply set up a temporary kitchen to work out of while the work is being done since your kitchen will not be accessible during the painting process.
Are the products that you use safe?
Yes. We use only water based products. No oil or lacquer based products are used; therefore, there are no strong, harmful odors during the process.
Do you replace handles and hinges?
Yes. We do replace and/or install new handles if needed. We do not, however, replace hinges.
Can I pick any color and finish I want?
Yes. You may pick any color you want and any sheen you prefer. We also offer free color consultations if you need assistance.
Does your pricing include all paint, labor and materials?
Yes. There are no hidden fees. The pricing you are quoted includes all paint labor and materials.
Prepare for Painting
- Have all items removed from your walls and countertops prior to arrival.
- Remove any appliances, tools or food items that you will need access to during the week. Setting up a temporary kitchen outside of the work area is sometimes helpful.
- Removing all items from your cabinets and drawers is preferred, but not necessary. If you choose not to remove all contents, then we ask that you ensure the front two-to-three inches of space in the front of each cabinet is cleared so that we can seal it off prior to the beginning or work.
- In addition to the kitchen area, we will also need a 10ft X 10ft area to setup our fully enclosed spray booth. This area can either be in a section of the garage, an adjacent area to the kitchen, or another room entirely.
- We will usually finish re-assembling the kitchen Friday afternoon. We will wipe down all surfaces upon completion, but it is not unusual for a fine layer of dust to settle by the next day. So, you may opt to do one final wipe down the next day or schedule a cleaning service after the work is completed.
- While the cabinets will be dry to the touch after we leave, it will take 48-72hrs after we leave for the layers of primer and paint to fully cure. You can gently use the cabinets during that time, but they must fully cure before returning to normal use.
- Once fully cured, cleaning the cabinets should be done only with a soft rag and water or a mild dish soap. No chemical cleaners (409, bleach, etc) are needed to clean and will only damage the protective top surface.